We Are Pawsome University

PU is a multifaceted K9 Education Company based out of Millstone Township, New Jersey, serving clients worldwide. PU is best known for helping families with advanced behavior modification through positive reinforcement, transforming the dogs other professionals had deemed unadoptable. We work in person at our 9 Acre Farm & Rehab Facility, and virtually around the world. PU also provides Humane Education both in person, through the Pawsome University Podcast, and through online courses. PU also offers Behavior and Operations solutions to Shelters and Rescues around the country. We are highly active in our community providing resources to 501(c)(3) organizations in our community and beyond. 

Hi, I'm Jaime

Pawsome University Founder

Do you have a puppy and can’t remember the last time you slept for more than 3 hours in a row? - Have you put vacation plans on hold because you have no one who can take care of your fearful or reactive dog? Are you too embarrassed to take your dog for a walk because of the “measures” you need to take to keep your dog from making a scene while they see other dogs, people, bikes, cars or kids? Or maybe your pups separation anxiety is so bad you can’t leave the house at all. Still social distancing because you can’t have guests over without taking on a huge risk that someone might get bit? Have dog siblings that just don’t get along and you’re constantly on edge trying to make sure a fight doesn’t break out? Are you tired of cleaning up pee or poop every time you turn around? Tired of telling your dog to “drop it” or “no!” Or “stop barking” or “go lay down!”? – just TIRED in general?

I hear you. maybe it even feels like you made a horrible mistake by getting this dog, oot worse, you've even considered rehoming them believing you’ll never get a handle on this, forever a prisoner in your own home. But I’ve got fabulous news, my friend. There IS an answer to all of your problems, and I’m here to help you fix it - for good! 

I'm an IAABC Certified Canine Behavior Consultant, ABCDT Dog Trainer, and the proud owner of Pawsome University. My most important title, however, is “Mom.” I have 2 small boys and 3 amazing rescue dogs (who I consider to be my actual children). That being said, let me introduce you to the Pawsome University Family!

Meet John,

Pawsome University Founder

John is an American Assoc. of Veterinary State Boards Certified Instructor, specializing in Animal Sheltering and Animal Cruelty. He is a former County Humane Law Enforcement Officer, State Animal Control Officer, and Animal Shelter Supervisor overseeing Animal Care operations for the largest animal shelter in Monmouth County.

His passion is Animal Welfare, helping Organizations increase their Standard of Care, streamline their Operations and build comradery amongst Shelter Staff. John loves teaching people about dogs, and the "business" of Animal Sheltering.  Before dedicating his life to animals, John served his community as an EMT-B and a Dispatcher.  


Pudgalina, aka Pudge, is the first dog my then boyfriend (now husband) John and I adopted as a couple. Our first baby. We physically plucked her out of filth and garbage, from the 2016 Howell Dog Hoarding Case. She was one of 276 dogs to be removed from the house. She got her name from the big belly she had as a puppy, stuffed with intestinal worms from the deplorable conditions inside the home. She’s a Chihuahua mix, smart as a whip but extremely fearful and reactive at times. She taught me patience when working with fear and reactivity.



Oaklee came to us on a transport from South Carolina, pulled from a kill shelter at the last minute. Our big, silly boy seemed like an easy addition to the family, until 2 weeks passed. We came home to a completely destroyed house.. enter, Separation Anxiety. As we got to know Oak, it became very apparent that someone abused him. To this day he cowers to fast hand movements.

But just like pudge, this boy was sent to me for a reason. Since his arrival in 2018, he has changed who I am as a trainer, and more importantly, as a parent. He helped me understand anxiety, and how sometimes life can be so cruel, but it's ok to forgive and trust again. He is now a Therapy Dog for the SPCA and my right hand man for all trainings that involve dog reactive dogs.

ā€‹Through our work together, he’s changed so many lives for the better, and I could never repay him for that.



Tishi was a true foster failure. This little old lady needed a place to stay for a bit till she found long term placement. One day led into the next and she never did leave, she was already home. She is the purest example of a Pit mix. Her sweet, loving and loyal nature is absolutely heartwarming.

We don't know much about her, but what we do know is that she was left outside and used for breeding. When she joined our family, she had an extremely high prey drive (sorry, pudge!) and really didn't know how to live in a house. She too suffered from horrible separation anxiety, of similar severrity as Oaklee's.

ā€‹Fast forward to today, and she holds her composure when our barn cat teases her, she adores her human baby brothers, and spends most of her days relaxing on the couch, separation anxiety fully managed. She is a cancer survivor and lives each day to the fullest. She's taught me that old dogs really can learn new tricks. And that sometimes, the unexpected is exactly what you needed. 


Back to my story! I hated the job I had accepted right out of college and realized I needed to figure out what I truly wanted to do with my life. I always loved dogs for as long as I could remember. My family rescued a pittie when I was 16, and she was the light of my life. She introduced me to the world of rescue and the need for competent and compassionate pet professionals. Thinking back, I knew then I was going to become a dog trainer and help more abused animals find their forever homes. I harnessed that inner child, and went all in on my dreams.

I left that cushy job and cut my teeth at a Doggy Daycare. Soon after, I started working as an Animal Care Technician at the Monmouth County SPCA. This quickly became my favorite job of all time, a true trial by fire. While at the SPCA, I simultaneously worked on getting my ABCDT Dog Training certification through Animal Behavior College.

Soon after, I started my first company, Pawsome Walks. Our focus was on pet care with the highest standard of care. I continued to gain experience and knowledge, eventually earning the certification of Canine Behavior Consultant from the IAABC. Fast forward to today, and Pawsome University has become a predominant name in Positive Reinforcement Behavior Modification, and we're just getting started. 

I think of myself as a therapist / detective hybrid for dogs.
I look at the whole picture – not just what’s happening through your eyes or what you think is going on. Where other trainers practice behavior suppression or management techniques, I work with you to identify the root of the problem and change the behavior pattern on that root level.

A huge variety of factors contribute to behavioral issues; genetics, past trauma, training history, routine (or lack there of), diet, insecurities and fears, environment, missed or traumatizing developmental milestones, overall health – I will crack the code and figure out what is preventing your pup and you from bridging the gap in your relationship, fixing the problem for good.

Are you ready to have the relationship you always wanted with your dog? Let’s get started! 

John & Jaime have been featured in several articles, podcasts, and radio segments. Check those out here!